Saturday, August 14

hey kiddos! miss me? must be ah..

anyways, im so sorry if i bo chup u guys these few days.. i know that at least 2 ppl are mad at me for not replying to their smses.... >>>>>>>>>>>>>SORRRYYYYYYYYYY!!!!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

its just that i've been busy.. with school. man.. its been really tiring u know. i just had an econs mock test this morning. essays. 3 questions out of 6. i was quite pissed off coz i only studied micro chapters and i could only do 1 of them. so i did macro for the other 2....

Sigh. School is really making me weary. i'm so so drained.. and its not because i myself is stressed. its watching everyone else around me being so stressed, so tense. whining, complaining.. just stressed. well, at first i thought "if u cant beat them, might as well join them.." but im so pissed off now that i cant!! i refuse to be part of the *MBBS society which pride themselves on being hypocritical. for your bloody sake!! i am not the biggest fan of our education system too you know.. but u gotta admit that this school system has brought us where we are today. i mean, let's make it simple and tangible. just go read your friends blog. they're giving opinions aren't they?! and they're substantiating their side of the arguments with relevant details. isn't that good? and do u think we would achieve this without our current education system?? no way.

well, its not as if im a die hard fan of the *pap, but at least im grateful and appreciative.

another thing i detest, pretentious muggers. by this, i mean people who mug and mug and mug, then say "Aiya... i never study.... i sure fail wan..." to these special group of people, i'd just like to say.... KISS MY ASS.

i was watching the handover of the minister's office thing on thursday night. yea. it rocked. i guess it was very thoughtful of PMLee to include everyone in the ceremony. afterall, such state events dont happen very often here... besides the NDP of course. and i was kinda glad that he made a conscious effort not to sound like an economist-ish or njc first president scholar-ish in his inaugural speech as the premier. it was friendly, honest(i think) and rather personal. good stuff. and i was especially impressed by his malay. woohoo!! he used a lot of words that a) i rarely hear or b)i've never heard before. well, maybe that's because my malay..well.. kinda *sheepish-ness* sucks. yea.. i did take higher malay... but my vocab is like.... umm.. the size of jessica simpson's brain.

anyways, i mean, i've known this for a long time.. but i couldn't help thinking "whoa. there's like so many ministers who were from njc. hmmm.." ok. the people i know for sure are from nj are PMLee, Vivien Balakrishnan, Lim Swee Say, Dr Balaji Sidasivaran, some dude... i forgot.. and Ho Ching. btw, both Mr & Mrs Lee are president scholars. disgusting right? right.ok. my point is, i cannot imagine any of my friends or schoolmates being a minister.. >>>OMG<<<>

ok. on a totally irrelevant note, check out this blog at:
http://kwentongtambay.nicanordavid.com/ .u might not understand a single shit, cept for the clutters of english here and there. but it's good stuff. n look out for "lab u!!" and "dear gentle readers". n its fun coz when u actually read the things out loud, it sounds like u're swearing. muahahaha.

ok dudes and duddettes. its probably gonna be another eon or two until i blog again.. coz i have to mug for the As.. so i'd also like to leave u with this really interesting joke.
What's brown and sticky?
A stick!
Last but not least, take care peeps, try n make friends with my friends by chatting on the tagboard (being friendly helps u know...), take care of your health, study smart, and most importantly, DON'T MISS ME TOO MUCH!!!

*MBBS- Mouth Big Brain Small
*pay and pay (ok. if u dont know this joke, u seeeeriously dont belong here)

ps:as for u eeeevul people who think that i don't get picked up... well..... surrrrpppprrriiiisssseeeee... ;)

Posted by theblackazure @ 3:32:00 PM
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I eat children for breakfast, I like my boys big and thick and I looove scratching my nose. My alter ego? She's that girl your mother warned you about.

Documenting parts of my rather uneventful life with writings that ocassionally display my schizophrenic tendencies. Blame it on the Gemini starsign.





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