Saturday, November 6

i re-read some of my previous entries.. most of it, in fact. and i came down to one conclusion.


all the *toot* abt my views, wat i tink abt certain ppl, coupled with my take on politics, my weird psycho poem(s) and sometimes, the royal bimbotism.. and.. umm.. wat more can i say abt my personal life.
but at least i don't curse.. well.. often.

i'm glad the past is past me.. well, sort of. i resign to the fact that the past can never be completely forgotten. although many a times, i wish it could. especially for one...

which is why i love 'Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind'.

miss. its a strange word. there are several definitions, some more commonly used than others. Some, relevant to my experiences, others not.

Miss (as listed on dictionary.com)
1.Used as a courtesy title before the surname or full name of a girl or single woman.
2.To fail to hit, reach, catch, meet, or otherwise make contact with.
3.To fail to accomplish, achieve, or attain (a goal).
4.To fail to attend or perform.
5.To leave out; omit.
6.To let go by; let slip.
7.To escape or avoid.
8.To discover the absence or loss of.
9.To feel the lack or loss of.
10.To fail to perceive, understand, or experience.
11.To feel the want of; to mourn the loss of; to want.
12.To go wrong; to err.

The first half is alright, the bottom half sucks. As for me,

Miss (as A'in sees it)
1. a sinking feeling covered up with a lie.
2. what my "courtesy title" is gonna be for a long long time. =]

What by me thou hast lost, thou least shalt miss. --Milton.

Posted by theblackazure @ 1:43:00 AM
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I eat children for breakfast, I like my boys big and thick and I looove scratching my nose. My alter ego? She's that girl your mother warned you about.

Documenting parts of my rather uneventful life with writings that ocassionally display my schizophrenic tendencies. Blame it on the Gemini starsign.





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