Sunday, January 9

see lah. who ask u to doubt me?

the zulican virus is real. dun believe? go and read sunday times today. 2nd and 3rd page (i tink).

anw, i FINALLY got a temp job at westmall. i shant disclose the exact location coz i dont want u all to go there and kacau me. its only until after chinese nu yr lah. then hopefully, i will get the teaching job. god. my malay is blardee rusty lah.

hey, u know wat? my hua yi bu chuo lor. had a conversation with this ah yi while waiting for the lift yesterday. she just came back from walking her dog. it was a white maltese. so cute!! so i said,

Moi : so cute! hen ke ai.
Ah yi : henke ai? *smile* ni ke yi jiang hua yi ah?
Moi : aiya. i tian tian er yi.
Ah yi : hen hao ah. Then she asked sthg like "U live this block ah?" in mandarin.
Moi : Ya. 5 th floor. (ok.. i dunno how to say 5th floor)
Moi : Ni leh?
Ah yi : *shows me 7 fingers*
Moi : *looks at the mutt n smiles* wo you liang ke mao.
Ah yi : Chen de ah? Wo ye she you. Wo you i ke mao.

Then more neighbours came and the lift door opened. So tt was the end of the conversation.

I learnt a new dialect phrase today courtesy of my dad. "Bakchew ta sai ah". its someting like "Che meh" rite?

Posted by theblackazure @ 7:59:00 PM
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I eat children for breakfast, I like my boys big and thick and I looove scratching my nose. My alter ego? She's that girl your mother warned you about.

Documenting parts of my rather uneventful life with writings that ocassionally display my schizophrenic tendencies. Blame it on the Gemini starsign.





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