Sunday, February 27

i call this....

The Bleh Witch Project

Once upon a time, in the small town of Jurong, there lived a happy not-so-little girl.

One stormy day, there was a knock on her door. The girl was home alone, however, she did not know any better. So, without hesitation, she opened the door. There, standing in the rain, was a dishrevelled looking old woman.

"Please child, let me come in." She said, in a low, raspy voice.

The girl, naiive as she was, thought "Oh, ok!" and happily let the old woman in.

"Come in! I'll make you a nice cup of instant hot chocolate (u know.. the one fm cadbury.. the $6.40 one)!" she said. She was glad that she had some company.

"Thank you, my child.." said the old woman, as she stepped into the house.

Little did the girl know, the old woman was actually a witch. She casted a spell on the girl, who instantly became hypnotized and all googly-eyed.

"MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA(oops.. i mean) HEE HEE HEE...." the ugly old witch laughed gleefully. "It is dinner time......."

Nah.. she didn't want to eat the girl.. too fattening.. u know, it'll clog up her arteries and stuff..

But, the witch smelt something tastier in the house.. Something more exotic, leaner, meaner, and of course, the healthier choice....

She cocked her head to the left.. and this was what she saw..sleeping under the computer table.

"yummy.. (bony) finger lickin gd.."

The end.

Posted by theblackazure @ 3:39:00 PM
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I eat children for breakfast, I like my boys big and thick and I looove scratching my nose. My alter ego? She's that girl your mother warned you about.

Documenting parts of my rather uneventful life with writings that ocassionally display my schizophrenic tendencies. Blame it on the Gemini starsign.





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