Monday, December 11

to each his own.

an idealistic, simplistic and almost impossible virtue to live by.


because we are so caught up with telling ppl the "right thing to do".

because telling ppl the right thing to do validates us. it makes our actions more correct. more justified. or even if we are making the same mistakes, it demonstrates that at least we know "what's right".

it just makes us feel better.

i've tried to live by this dictum.

but again, i found it almost impossible.


because i wish to have a say in everything said or done around me. if i truly were to live upon this virtue, i would not want to encroach on thoughts and opinions of others. ur opinion is urs, mine is mine.

but i succumb to parker's temptation. no, not peter parker.. nosy parker. i believe the colloquial term for this phenomenon is "kaypoh". i cant help but want a say abt someone.. or how someone does something.

like blogging.. in theory i understand the notion of to each his own. evryone is entitled to their own opinions on their own turf. but i cant help but cringe at the sort of things written. Wittingly inviting controversy. at first i thought of it as random, desultory and mostly feeble, pathetic attempts at publicity. but to think of it, it may in fact stem from a very basic physiological need. the need for security.

we want to be validated by others. and patronage, backing and support might just do it.

conversely, we want opposition. divergence of thoughts. we want separation from the rest so that we feel unique. Maslow's self actualization perhaps.

this tool of blogging is powerful. u can carve a sort of superlative image over others. mostly (and sadly) by conforming to the archetype bloggers. at least tt has been my observation thus far. i believe it gives a just portrayal of life itself, applying it to a broader scope.

thinking about it just motivates me to know myself and be myself. i want to be someone who doesnt need corroboration.

"so the good boys and girls take the so-called right track,
faded white hats..
grabbing credits and maybe transfers..
they read all the books but they can't find the answers"
-'No such thing' John Mayer-

Posted by theblackazure @ 10:21:00 PM
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I eat children for breakfast, I like my boys big and thick and I looove scratching my nose. My alter ego? She's that girl your mother warned you about.

Documenting parts of my rather uneventful life with writings that ocassionally display my schizophrenic tendencies. Blame it on the Gemini starsign.





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